The Chameleons' submission to the November 2023 Gamecraft game jam. The theme was "Agility".

Did you know that it only takes about 3 hours for a hummingbird to starve to death?

Now you get to experience it for yourself! Enter the world of a hummingbird and fly around drinking the nectar out of flowers. Be careful of how much energy you're using, if you don't find a new flower in time you'll starve and die.


This is a score-based game. Your score is based on the number of flowers you completely drink.


The hummingbird works kind of like a helicopter lol.

W&S / Arrow Keys Up&Down: Flap harder / less hard (kind of like a throttle)

A&D / Arrow Keys Left&Right: Tilt left/right

Fly over to flowers and hover with your beak on them to drink the nectar. You get 1 point for every flower you drink all the nectar out of (you also get to keep living)


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This is just like Mario, except instead of controlling an Italian plumber you control a hummingbird in a constant race of survival

This was fantastic! I mostly spent time zooming around with no directional sense, but it's cute!